800 Juliana Drive, Woodstock, Ontario

Phone: 519-539-1492




Springfest: Spring & Community



The snow has melted. Mud is drying. Birds are singing and building nests. Lawns are being raked and gardens cleared. Snow pants and winter boots are cleaned and stored. It's spring! For those in agriculture, construction, and other weather- dependent businesses, things are ramping up with new lists of jobs to do. One of the sure signs of spring at Woodstock Christian School is SPRINGFEST! If you've been in our front hall in the past few weeks, you would have seen signs, loads of bizarre (bazaar) bottles, and heard the excitement for this event mounting. This past Saturday, all the planning for this spring tradition culminated in a beautiful community event. We have a long history of bazaars and auctions and "-fests" at WCS, and each year and each event again, I thank God for blessing us with an outstanding supportive community. What do we mean when we include "Community" in our tagline at WCS? The idea of community comes from the sense of responsibility we have for each other. In the Bible, God encourages us to take care of each other while following the word of the Lord. We recognize the importance of maintaining connections with others to ensure a thriving community. Our desire at WCS is to create places of belonging. When there is opportunity for conversations, for good food, to sit and eat together, to meet new people, catch up with people not seen in months - or perhaps years, to play together, to engage in friendly competition, to be together because we love and support Christian Education - what a blessing! To the planners and volunteers, to those who generously donate for our various project and events, for all who attend WCS events - know that you are appreciated for your support and as community builders. We thank God for all of you!
C. Verbeek
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